Your period-style handwriting fonts remain the very best I've ever found. Thanks for your most excellent contributions to American typography! A.L., Los Angeles CA
[Treefrog] is a real mess and breaks all the rules and I love it. P.M., Palatine IL
There's a fair number of what I call 'scrawl' faces out there. [Treefrog] is one of the very few I really like. P.M., Palatine IL
Keep up the fonts! They are some of the best I have seen in 10-plus years of design. M.O., Little Rock AR
Our 3rd and 4th graders are thrilled that their historical writing is going to look so authentic! S.E., Charlottesville VA
Oh! I'm in loooove with [Lamar Pen]! It's lovely, it's organic, it's real, it's got history & tradition. My designs are singing! C.C., Palo Alto CA
The fonts you offer are quite unique and beautifully done.... Your site and ecommerce process was also a pleasure to view and to use. R.M., Newbury NH