Your period-style handwriting fonts remain the very best I've ever found. Thanks for your most excellent contributions to American typography! A.L., Los Angeles CA
You have maintained a level of quality in the design of your various fonts that rivals the best foundries. G.V., Salem OR
Bonsai is very beautiful; the font's antiquity seems to conjure a sweet staleness of old newsprint, somehow. A.T., Ontario, Canada
Your fonts are gorgeous, and in particular, your handwriting fonts are the best I've ever seen. J.H., Witny, Oxfordshire, England
I'm always on the lookout for handwriting fonts that look more like handwriting than fonts. I've always relied on Texas Hero, Schooner Script, and Emily Austin and was very happy to see Lamar Pen and American Scribe. A.L., Los Angeles CA
[American Scribe] may be the greatest font ever! Everyone on the planet should have it! M.P., Boulder CO
The Lamar Pen font is divine. We are using it on a novel set in the eighteenth century, and the author is ecstatic. J.H., London, England