You have maintained a level of quality in the design of your various fonts that rivals the best foundries. G.V., Salem OR
All [these] typefaces are wonderful, romantic creative fonts which no serious designer could possibly overlook. G.H., London, England
Keep up the fonts! They are some of the best I have seen in 10-plus years of design. M.O., Little Rock AR
Bonsai is very beautiful; the font's antiquity seems to conjure a sweet staleness of old newsprint, somehow. A.T., Ontario, Canada
The Lamar Pen font is divine. We are using it on a novel set in the eighteenth century, and the author is ecstatic. J.H., London, England
Thanks so much for the great service and wonderful typefaces! S.F., Evanston IL
I have never encountered such fine and detailed work in a handwritten font before. I heartily applaud your attention to detail and historical accuracy. J.W., Seattle WA