The fonts you offer are quite unique and beautifully done.... Your site and ecommerce process was also a pleasure to view and to use. R.M., Newbury NH
There's a fair number of what I call 'scrawl' faces out there. [Treefrog] is one of the very few I really like. P.M., Palatine IL
Well done on preserving the old ways of writingthey wrote and spoke so much nicer than we do now. A.K., Adelaide, S. Australia
All [these] typefaces are wonderful, romantic creative fonts which no serious designer could possibly overlook. G.H., London, England
Oh! I'm in loooove with [Lamar Pen]! It's lovely, it's organic, it's real, it's got history & tradition. My designs are singing! C.C., Palo Alto CA
Thanks so much for the great service and wonderful typefaces! S.F., Evanston IL
[Douglass Pen is a] stupendous achievement! A.B., Encino CA