I think [Texas Hero] is amazing. It is incredibly beautiful and in my opinion looks very authentic. E.H., Brookline MA
I took one look at American Scribe and knew it was the Declaration of Independence before reading the ad copy. You captured it perfectly. B.P., Marietta OH
There's a fair number of what I call 'scrawl' faces out there. [Treefrog] is one of the very few I really like. P.M., Palatine IL
I've never seen anyone digitize old quill-pen handwriting [like Schooner Script], warts and all. You've done a fine job. R.W., Costa Mesa CA
You have maintained a level of quality in the design of your various fonts that rivals the best foundries. G.V., Salem OR
[American Scribe] may be the greatest font ever! Everyone on the planet should have it! M.P., Boulder CO
I have never encountered such fine and detailed work in a handwritten font before. I heartily applaud your attention to detail and historical accuracy. J.W., Seattle WA