I happened across your website completely by accident, and I was astounded by the fonts I found there. They are amazing. M.S., Ontario, Canada
The fonts you offer are quite unique and beautifully done.... Your site and ecommerce process was also a pleasure to view and to use. R.M., Newbury NH
Your fonts are gorgeous, and in particular, your handwriting fonts are the best I've ever seen. J.H., Witny, Oxfordshire, England
[Schooner Script is a] masterpiece. A.D., Miami FL
The fonts are just gorgeous. Always a thrill to find a great company with superior merchandise. D.B., St Paul MN
Your period-style handwriting fonts remain the very best I've ever found. Thanks for your most excellent contributions to American typography! A.L., Los Angeles CA
This is a fantastic resource and the fonts are beautiful! C.B., Bethesda MD