I'm a collector of 19th century antiques and photographs, and like to make labels and scrapbooks using fonts that fit the period of my items. I've even tried to learn the penmanship myself using dip pens... your fonts will make it so much easier! P.M., Palatine IL
I happened across your website completely by accident, and I was astounded by the fonts I found there. They are amazing. M.S., Ontario, Canada
I have never encountered such fine and detailed work in a handwritten font before. I heartily applaud your attention to detail and historical accuracy. J.W., Seattle WA
[Treefrog] is a real mess and breaks all the rules and I love it. P.M., Palatine IL
Not only is Texas Hero a uniquely beautiful font, theres also the matter of Texas pride. S.P.G., San Antonio TX
All [these] typefaces are wonderful, romantic creative fonts which no serious designer could possibly overlook. G.H., London, England
You have maintained a level of quality in the design of your various fonts that rivals the best foundries. G.V., Salem OR