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 Historical Pens »

Abigail Adams

American Scribe

Austin Pen

Bonhomme Richard

Botanical Scribe

Douglass Pen

Emily Austin

Geographica Script

Houston Pen

Lamar Pen

Military Scribe

Old Man Eloquent

Remsen Script

Schooner Script

Texas Hero

 Modern Hands »

Cedar Street


Oak Street




 Book Texts »




New Millennium

New Millennium Linear

New Millennium Sans



TWT Pavane

TWT Prospero

 Old Map Fonts »


Antiquarian Scribe



Geographica Hand

Geographica Script

Terra Ignota

 Antique Texts »

Attic Antique




 Display Faces »



Corsiva Italica




 Drop Caps »

Baskerville Caps

Rococo Titling

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Speed Bump


Historical Fonts
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Three Islands Press App/Game End-User License Agreement

This is a legal agreement between Three Islands Press (“3IP”) and any purchaser (“The Licensee”) of any font (“The Software”) to be embedded into any application or game software (“The App”). (For other uses, see the 3IP Standard End-User License Agreement.) and the 3IP Webfonts License Agreement.)

Upon full payment of the agreed-upon fee, 3IP grants The Licensee a non-exclusive license for use of The Software, provided The Licensee agrees to these conditions:

1. The Licensee may embed The Software into The App, unlimited copies of The App, and unlimited copies of future versions of The App, in perpetuity, so long as The Software may only be viewed and printed by end-users of the App—i.e., not used for custom typesetting.

2. The Licensee agrees to reserve The Software only and expressly for The Licensee’s own use and not to redistribute The Software by any means to third parties that might enable those parties to install and use The Software independently; furthermore, The Licensee agrees to undertake any and all steps necessary to prevent such use of or access to The Software except as described in this agreement.

3. The Licensee, its agents, and/or its partners may not disassemble or modify The Software in any way, nor convert The Software for any other use, except by express permission of 3IP.

4. The Licensee, its agents, and/or its partners may not embed The Software in any way that enables editing, altering, enhancing, modifying, or extracting The Software by third-party users.

5. The Licensee, its agents, and/or its partners may not sub-license The Software.

6. The Licensee acknowledges that the Software is owned by and is the intellectual property of 3IP, and its worldwide trademarks belong to 3IP; furthermore, when possible, The Licensee agrees to credit 3IP as the trademark and copyright owner of The Software wherever and whenever design, production, and/or other credits are shown or listed, e.g.: “Broadsheet™ font by Brian Willson, copyright © Three Islands Press (”

7. In no way is 3IP liable for any computer trouble, property damage, personal injury, or loss of income or profits as a result of the use of The Software.

8. This agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Maine, U.S.A., and any other governing authority.

9. This agreement ends upon violation of any of these terms.

10. In the event of termination of this agreement, The Licensee agrees to destroy all copies of The Software in possession of The Licensee, as well as any of its agents, and/or partners who have not purchased licenses of their own.

For a multiple-license quote or for information on site, regional, worldwide, eBook, broadcast, and/or other licenses, please email us at or contact us at (207) 596-6768.

Three Islands Press
P.O. Box 1092
Rockport ME 04856-1092

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Old Fonts
3IP Fonts
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Three Islands Press
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Copyright ©1993–2025 Three Islands Press

Historical Script and Text Fonts
Historical Fonts
Cedar Street


“Your fonts are gorgeous, and in particular, your handwriting fonts are the best I've ever seen.”
—J.H., Witny, Oxfordshire, England

“[American Scribe] may be the greatest font ever! Everyone on the planet should have it!”
—M.P., Boulder CO

“Your period-style handwriting fonts remain the very best I've ever found. Thanks for your most excellent contributions to American typography!”
—A.L., Los Angeles CA

“I took one look at American Scribe and knew it was the Declaration of Independence before reading the ad copy. You captured it perfectly.”
—B.P., Marietta OH

“I have never encountered such fine and detailed work in a handwritten font before. I heartily applaud your attention to detail and historical accuracy.”
—J.W., Seattle WA

“Oh! I'm in loooove with [Lamar Pen]! It's lovely, it's organic, it's real, it's got history & tradition. My designs are singing!”
—C.C., Palo Alto CA

“I'm always on the lookout for handwriting fonts that look more like handwriting than fonts. I've always relied on Texas Hero, Schooner Script, and Emily Austin and was very happy to see Lamar Pen and American Scribe.”
—A.L., Los Angeles CA


3IP Type Foundry