All [these] typefaces are wonderful, romantic creative fonts which no serious designer could possibly overlook. G.H., London, England
I think [Texas Hero] is amazing. It is incredibly beautiful and in my opinion looks very authentic. E.H., Brookline MA
These are fantastic fonts, and I appreciate that your company offers a trial download (minus the "e") so I could sell these fonts to my client. L.A., Woodinville WA
Your period-style handwriting fonts remain the very best I've ever found. Thanks for your most excellent contributions to American typography! A.L., Los Angeles CA
You have maintained a level of quality in the design of your various fonts that rivals the best foundries. G.V., Salem OR
Not only is Texas Hero a uniquely beautiful font, theres also the matter of Texas pride. S.P.G., San Antonio TX
This is a fantastic resource and the fonts are beautiful! C.B., Bethesda MD